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Falcom J.D.K. Band 1
Published by: King Records
Release Date: January 01st 1991

Composed by: Falcom Sound Team J.D.K.
Arranged by: Tomohiko Kishimoto

1 Disc, 10 Tracks
Catalog: KICA-1019

Reviewed by: Ersatz Sobriquet

J.D.K. One of the most famous "sound teams" in Japan when it comes to making video game soundtracks. They incorporate a healthy dose of rock, synth work and jazz, not forgetting techno, to take you on a musical ride unlike any other. This mixture has garnered for them a rather large following, thus it was a no brainier to go ahead and make an album with all their popular songs redone.

Well, they redid them, all right. Redid a few in a very UNSATISFATORY way, I might add. Now, some of the songs they did do very well. To Make The End Of Battle is a trademark song many people probably have heard if they ever heard anything from the boys that make Ys music. The rockability aspect is there, and the fancy, or not to fancy synth work is also there. With this song opening the album, your thinking to yourself, "I done good, buying (or downloading) this album. Done real good."

So, you set yourself back as you let that track fully encumber yourself until the beginning notes to the next track come on. Sounds pretty good, no? But then, you hear this horrid, karaoke style, Japanese singing offending your ears. There's singing! And the guy can't even sing!! Now, understand. I am in no way against Japanese singing. I love the stuff. I even have a friggin' Pizzicato Five album which I adore. So I know what good singing is. And this is NOT good. What makes it so bad also, is when they go and say the English words, they're so bad. Just bad. Bad.

As you may know already, the second song, Go Fight, isn't good. Hearing him sing "You never loooosseee" isn't too thrilling. Travelers Inn is also pretty bland. It's a somewhat moving piece with slow singing and echoes in the background. I can see some people getting into this song though.

With those songs, I thought this album was going to be REAL bad. But those are surprisingly the ONLY bad ones! In fact, Get In The Wild, another singing song, is done rather well. It has a nice hook to it, and nice drumming. Everything is pretty nice. He also sings on another song, Boy On The Wing, which again, is a nice piece. Which leads me to believe that that hard rock style he was going after in Go Fight wasn't even close to what he was used to doing.

Let's Face It surprised me as it turned out to be this pretty head boppin' jazz/swing hybrid. Very nice and smooth song, which’s old guitar style playing was done nicely. The brass section was also sweet. Major Demon, a pure heavy rock, hanging on the metal scene, was also a nice treat to the ears. The solo he shreds out here is nothing short of wonderful and something that is sorely missing in today's modern rock music. Varestain is another outstanding guitar/synth taggin' rock anthem. Very lively and excellent, excellent guitar and synth work done here.

If it weren't for Go Fight and Traveler's Inn, this would be the hottest thing you could pick up in my opinion. Heck, it still is. Despite my harsh criticism on the two aforementioned tracks, this is still one of the best CD's you can own, with the styles being played here touching many genres. Enjoy this one, folks. It's a keeper.

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