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Grandia: Arrange Version "Vent"
Published by: TWOFIVE Records
Release Date: January 21st 1998

Composed by: Noriyuki Iwadare
Arranged by: Noriyuki Iwadare

1 Disc, 12 Tracks
Catalog: KICA-5004

Reviewed by: Ersatz Sobriquet

The search for familiarity.

Many influences are permeated throughout this album. I found it to be very odd the way they arranged the tracks, but it still remains an enjoyable listen to. Many different influences are found throughout the album, including Celtic, Classical music, Spanish, and even somewhat J-pop.

The first opening track reminds one of Celtic music, what with the fiddle being played with short stabs at the violin, or possibly viola. A short bongo beat is also played in the background which gives it a somewhat upbeat feel to the song. Odd thing is that it doesn't seem THAT upbeat at the same time. Very odd feel, indeed.

Lily is another upbeat song, the third track. The violin plays along with the piano and they both take turns making a statement. A constant tambourine beat is played in the background, as well as a stick hit. Pretty sweet song that'll make you happy the whole time.

Shadow Man is probably the only dark song you'll hear on the whole album, as this string ensemble plays very hard. The climax seems to be reached several times throughout the song, and the ending is simply marvelous. The shear energy placed in this song make it noteworthy on its own.

Gadwin Pathos invokes the qualities of Classical Spanish music, as well as Classical to create this very somber melody. Any scene in which a character is suffering from any sort of malady would play up to this track very nicely. Oh, if only my classical side was well versed, I could easily tell you what the constant bass like sound was. Throughout the song, till the chorus arrives, a constant plucking sound is heard, most likely a cello, and then it's strummed along with the rest of the string ensemble. The pain stricken horn is played with so much passion as well. Really an outstanding track.

Palm's Sake Bar is probably one of the best accordion tracks I've heard in a long while. The accordion is played along with, I believe, a moog and these two are the only thing that carry the song along the first half, with a bass drum and a constant finger snap before a wedding jingle is played. Very smooth song I don't see anyone not really enjoying.

Theme of Grandia is a great piece as well, basically throwing all the instruments present throughout the album in the bunch. The horn, piano and violin section all take turns pulling the song along as a stand up bass plays in the background. Very sweet song as well. Probably the only instrument not played in this song is the accordion.

The odd thing about this whole album as I was mentioning early is the song selection. In the beginning of the album, a very happy, upbeat song is played, then a very sad one, and then a very upbeat song again! It defies all laws of track order, I tell you. I would very much have liked it arranged in another fashion, but other than that, this is a very enjoyable listen to, with styles ranging from around the world, literally. Wholeheartedly urge all to give it a try.

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