RPGamers Network > Reviews > Game Music Reviews > ICO ~Melody in the Mist~

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ICO ~Melody in the Mist~
Published by: SME Visual Works
Release Date: February 20th 2002

Composed by: Michiru Oshima, pentagon
Arranged by: pentagon, Michiru Oshima, Masaaki Kaneko

1 Disc, 16 Tracks
Catalog: SVWC-7117

Reviewed by: Zhuzhen

Normally I do a complete, track-by-track review but for this album I feel it would be all for naught. This album really is the worse album I've ever heard (If you can even call 90% of it music, that is). I should, however, mention that there are a few tracks that I somewhat enjoy: 04. Castle in the Mist, 13. Shadow, 16. ICO -You were there-. These tracks are the best songs on this album (Although that doesn't say much considering how "great" this album is.)

I myself enjoy some of Michiru Oshima's other work including The Legaia soundtrack but this album I can in no way support. The music just seems so very bland that in my opinion the game would be better without any. None of the songs really have a special feel to them or a feel of ingenuity. All the songs sound like they've been done before.

Another thing that pushes my buttons is the length of the songs. The average length of a song on this album is a minute, which is just not long enough. To me, a good song needs to have much more meat to it than just a minute of misdirected instruments and strange organ sounds.

Like I stated at the beginning, this album does have a few decent tracks. I truly enjoyed track four because it reminds me of a Shadow Hearts song entitled Sea -Highnoon fish-. The way each song flows is rather enjoyable however the song featured on this album has a more sad tone to it. Sea -Highnoon fish- has a more upbeat and spirit lifting tone to it.

I also enjoy track thirteen because of its mysterious sound. It may be extremely short but somehow it still accomplishes what it was meant to do: make the listener happy. The deep piano that can be heard on this album is absolutely great.

As for the last track, I enjoyed it a lot at first mainly because it was a vocal. Steven Geraghty did the vocals on this track and I must say, I was surprised when I first heard it because someone had mentioned Mr. Geraghty wasn't even a teenager. If you were to ask me if it's something new in the world of video game vocals then I would tell you no because it really isn't. It doesn't bring anything new to the table but rather it reuses sounds we've already heard. Still, in my opinion, is the one of the better tracks on this album (Again, that doesn't say much).

So, unless you've played this game and feel in love with the music, I really cannot suggest purchasing this album. The only way I would buy it myself is if I feel attached to the music while playing the game but I can honestly say that I did not.

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