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Tales of Phantasia OST Complete Version
Published by: Victor Entertainment
Release Date: May 21st 1999

Composed by: Motoi Sakuraba, Shinji Tamura, Shinji Hosoe, Ryota Furuya
Arranged by: Masayuki Sakamoto, Toshiyuki Takizawa

2 Discs, 77 Tracks
Catalog: VICL-60369~70

Reviewed by: Zeugma 440

Tales of Phantasia is one of those RPGs which exploit the whole capabilities of the Super Nintendo. One can immediately enjoy the beauty of the graphics and also the quality of the soundtrack through a unique "surround" mode which allows you to hear surround music while playing. That's maybe why Tales of Phantasia has been released on PSX as well: this game is simply too beautiful.

Because of the quality of the Original Sound Version (OSV, i.e. the very music you hear in the Super Nintendo game), I will compare it to the Original SoundTrack (OST, i.e. the arranged PSX version released on CD) throughout this review. To give you an overall view of the soundtrack, I'll write about the most noteworthy tunes of the game in chronological order.

Well, let's start with the simplest thing: turn your console on and let the intro begin. You'll be amazed to hear a real song with LYRICS during the opening titles: The Dream Will Never Die is a surprising but pleasant pop song which has been also released on an official single in Japan. I'm actually fond of this song although I don't understand a word of it wink

The first Overworld Music you hear is a real delight: Mystic Forest is a slow-paced tune which illustrates harmony and peacefulness as the game starts. The OST version renders a deeper sound, which really fits the atmosphere of the track.

Be Absentminded is the next tune you may discover in the game. It is a tune of sadness astonishingly well-rendered on its OSV. Motoi Sakuraba uses here flute, bass and saxophone over a light guitar melody to express the main characters' emotions. He succeeds in communicating feelings of sadness and hope to the player: when I heard it for the first time I really felt something. I believe the OST is not as good as the original since they replaced the original background guitar with harpsichord-ish one (which does not render the same at all).

Paradoxically, Sylph is far more beautiful in its OST version: thanks to the orchestration, the "loop effect" of the Nintendo background has disappeared and the tune has turned into a powerful sentimental piece of music. It is the same for Desolate Road: here there was no boring loop but the overall song has been rearranged in a smart way and has become a delightful "journey through the countryside" theme.

What about action? Well... Apart from one exception, I think fight music is quite ordinary, even annoying in some cases like Open Fire. There is nevertheless an awesome battle music which is called Fighting of the Spirit. Synth lead, fast-paced harpsichord, synth choir and drums create a rousing piece of music which I'm using to playing LOUD. Strangely, the OST features a second arranged version. It is no more than a rock/electric guitar version which has lost the atmosphere of the OSV.

One of the characters is a witch named Arche: she's the live wire of the party. Consequently, Arche's Theme is a very nice happiness theme. Generally, I don't like this kind of happy themes but I must admit that this one is very cool smile They replaced the main instrument with a sitar in the OST: this changes a bit the sound but the whole is still fine.

Overworld Themes are not bad either: Second Act and Final Act are great heroic tunes very well rendered on both versions of the soundtrack. Raising A Curtain is interesting but not as good as the other ones.

Mid Galds (also known as Midgard) is a tune played in a military town just before the war begins. Low bass, low drums and a brass section render a tense and strong atmosphere. By hearing it, you know the enemy is not far and may attack at any moment. The OST is very interesting since it renders a more "apocalyptic" atmosphere through a huge and slightly dissonant "brass attack” at the end of the theme. This one is a great tune!

After the war, you still have to find and catch the Big Boss. Unfortunately, Castle of the Dhaos is not a good track. All is a kind of synth n'drums jam which is not attractive at all. Maybe this was calculated: when I finally managed to get to the Throne Room, I was so fed up with the music that I craved to wipe Dhaos out so that I could hear something else!

The following tune, Triumph didn't disappoint me: it is the theme played in each castle of the game. It is heroic, soft and fits its title very well. I think the rearrangement is not good at all because the background pulse of the tune has been amplified. They even forgot to cut it during the bridge! Too bad for such a piece of music...

Forward in the quest, you'll probably notice Abyss of Thor, in which piano, harp and synth choir render a mysterious and beautiful "Legendary Sunken City Theme ". OSV and OST are both excellent.

Now let's head for the town of Freezekill: it's gently snowing all year long, people gather in warm houses and you hear this serene music evoking snowflakes falling from the sky… Freeze transports you into another reality where time doesn't go by as fast as in ours. This one has become one of my favourite tracks.

Perverse Religion is a magnificent organ theme played in the church of Fenrir. This piece of music is comparable to Decadence of God from Breath of Fire II. It is short but grand. In the OST, the composer replaced the massive church organ with a softer, less gothic organ. Therefore, the track has lost all the power of the OSV, which is a great pity.

The last stage of your quest is a snowy village plunged into darkness and called Ary. The slow-paced music sounds like a lullaby and is very nice. The OST features background church bells, which adds a kind of epic atmosphere that destroys a bit the serenity of the OSV.

You have probably realized it: Tales of Phantasia soundtrack is full of attractive and various themes. I cannot give you any advice about which version (OSV/OST) to pick since they complete each other, which is quite rare, especially for a Super Nintendo game!

As far as I'm concerned, the whole deserves a 9/10!

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