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Final Fantasy VIII: Piano Collections
Published by: DigiCube
Release Date: January 21st 2000

Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu
Arranged by: Shiro Hamaguchi

1 Disc, 13 Tracks
Catalog: SSCX-10041

Reviewed by: Mithrandir

"Not good enough for a Piano Collection..."

This Piano collection is way far better than all the rest. Even if the performance of Shinko Ogata is great and faithful to Nobuo's music, the arrangements (made by Shiro Hamaguchi) and the choice of the tracks is not really great.

Blue Fields
If I can say so, this arrangement is better than the original but less than the arrangement on Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec. It is soft and calm and does the job. The theme is easily recognizable. The track is quite good.

Eyes on Me
This track keeps the same feeling as the original song while adding something to it. The thing is, I had an overdose of "Eyes on Me". I have some difficulty to hear this track without skipping it. If you like the song I'm sure you'll like this piano arrangement.

Fisherman's Horizon
This track is a classic from FF8. Put this when you want to read or relax and you'll be okay. You'll see that the peaceful ambiance of FH will clear your mind.

Succession of Witches
I like this track. It has something mysterious and scary about this track and the piano version accentuates this feeling.

A sadder version of Balamb Garden, this track plays when Selphie visits Trabia Garden. Evocating the sadness of the situation, the piano comes again to accentuate this feeling. Personally, I never liked Balamb Garden theme so I skip the track often.

Shuffle or Boogie
"Wanna play cards with me?" This boogie style is really great with the piano. I never liked the original track. This piano arrangement is really great.

Find your Way
I like this track. I think the original track was good, and the piano arrangement adds a little more mystery to the music. I would NEVER skip this track.

The Oath
I liked the original track and the arrangement Shiro Hamaguchi did on Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec was the best. The piano arrangement doesn't seem to get the real "meaning" of the track.

Silence and Motion
This plays in Esthar city I think. I don't like this arrangement because the sound of the piano cannot replace the sounds of the original track. You have the choice of losing 3:20 minutes of your life or listening to it. You chose...

The Castle
The original track was incredible and the arrangement is also incredible. The piano keeps all the essential parts of the original. This is a great track.

The Successor
This plays after you win the battle against Ultimecia. This arrangement keeps the essential of the original and is way too long...4:59...I always skip this one.

Ending Theme
This arrangement is really bad. After hearing the orchestrated track, you do not want to hear this one, believe me. Maybe the part where the "Prelude variation" plays is worth it, but as for the "Final Fantasy" Theme and the "Liberi Fatali" Theme, forget it. The track is 5:35 minutes long.

Slide Show part 2
This plays when Laguna plays in the movie. This is the kind of track I would want to hear more often on FF Piano Collections. The track is kind of a piano rag (you know, like "The Entertainer"wink. Unfortunately, the track is too short with his 1 minute 30 sec.

This Piano Collection is way far the best of the series. Before buying this album I suggest you hear some of the tracks because you may be disappointed by the arrangements. It deserves a 77%.

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