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Final Fantasy IV: Celtic Moon
Published by: NTT Publishing
Release Date: October 28th 1991

Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu
Arranged by: Máire Bhreatnach

1 Disc, 15 Tracks
Catalog: N30D-006

Reviewed by: Mithrandir

Okay, I am not a fan of Celtic music but this...this is just great music. It's the only Celtic album I like. The CD was first released a few months after the release of the game. Square was then the publisher but the reprint was released by NTT Publishing. When I first listened the CD, it seemed like the music was originally composed in a Celtic style. For those who don't know, Master Nobuo is a fan of Celtic music. This explains the nature of the album.

The music is taken from Final Fantasy 4. Some arrangements are better than others. The Prelude arrangement isn't so great, I heard better ones. The Prologue is a little different and it's okay. The Chocobo theme is good, it starts with a moderate tempo and then changes into an Irish gigue. "Into the darkness" is the music you hear when you are in a dungeon. The song remains essentially the same as the original.

The Main Theme is just perfect. I assure you will remember this song for days and days before forgetting it. The arrangement is well done. It's a must-hear.

Since I hate town themes, I said to myself: "Oh no!" and was about to skip the track, but track 6 is a great arrangement...well, except for the beginning and the end. The middle is just great. But still, I hate the original song...

Theme of Love is classic of the Master and the Celtic version is just as beautiful as the original. "Melody of lute" is not the track I love the most. I preferred the arrangement Nobuo did on Final Fantasy: Pray. Palom and Porom...what to say...this track makes me dance. (Well, my Irish moves are not so great but still...)

"Giotto the Great King" is what I would call a "funny" track. Just think of the dwarves...

"Dancing Calcobrena"...one of my friends said this to me:" When I heard the original song, you say to yourself...Okay, these dolls are evil there is no doubt about it." and he is right it's kind of scary. The arrangement will make you dance instead of making you scared.

"Mystic Mysidia" is one of my favorites on the CD. It’s just a good track. I like the melody and the arrangement added more movement to the theme.

"Illusionary World" is an "ok" track, not too boring and not too good. Just ok. The theme of Rydia is another classic of Nobuo. Don't miss this arrangement.

"Troian Beauty" is the song of the Troia castle. I just like this one. To me, it is the best track of the album.

The three arrangements of town themes on the album (Tracks 6, 12 and 15) are great. I usually hate town themes and I hate even more the arrangements.
It's just to say how good this CD is. Seriously, I never knew Celtic music could be this good. But again, it's all a question of taste. Still, the album changed my perception on Celtic music. I give a score of 92 out of 100. I tell you, the album is great!

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