RPGamers Network > Reviews > Game Reviews > Kingdom Hearts

Game Stats
Genre RPG
Platform PlayStation 2
Format DVD
# of Players 1
Released Jap 03.28.2002
Released US 09.16.2002
Released EU 11.15.2002
Aprox. Length 20-40 hrs.
Reviewer Rankings
Battle System 8.0
Gameplay 10.0
Music 11.0
Originality 8.0
Plot 8.0
Replay Value 9.0
Sound 11.0
Visuals 11.0
Difficulty Easy

Kingdom Hearts

By: Squaresoft

Reviewed By: Zanarkand

I can't believe no one's written a review for Kingdom Hearts. Anyways, for all those that don't know what Kingdom Hearts is, it's a game that Disney and Squaresoft put together. Actually let me get something right here, it's under Squaresoft but for the majority of the game, it's mainly Disney characters which I thought wasn't so good. Anyways I'll get back to it later.

Back to what I was saying, Kingdom Hearts is a part action, part RPG game focusing around a boy named Sora. Basic story is that he and his friends have been separated after the Heartless' attacks on their home, Destiny Island. That's when KH's other main characters, Goofy and Donald Duck, comes into the picture. They're searching for someone that possesses the key to defeating the Heartless' and who should have it but Sora. So that basically sets the story. Yes, the storyline is pretty weak but I suppose they kept the plot simple because the game is primarily aimed at younger players (not to say that this is a childish game).

Anyways, the first thing you'll notice when you start the game up is the soothing music at the start screen. But I'll get to the music part later. After you press the start button, you will be presented with the most awesome intro video you've even seen. OMG this video just swept me off my feet. It's one of those intros where you think to yourself "OMG I think I've just wet myself". You have to watch it to see what I mean. I think I restarted my game about four times just to watch that intro. Plus the techno version of "Simple and Clean" or "Hikari" is wicked to listen to. So as I said before, the intro is bloody good. The graphics is one of the best elements of KH. The in-game graphics is outstanding and when those CGIs or FMVs show up, you can seen how much work they put into this visually. As I stated before, the game is probably aimed more at younger players so do expect this game to be bright and colourful.

The music and sound is truly brilliant. Throughout the whole game, you're treated to fantastic arranged theme songs from Disney movies such as The Little Mermaid's "Under The Sea". Yes it might be slightly sickening having to listen to some of these songs but they really do suit the atmosphere and situation. The only thing that I thought it could improve on have more music from Final Fantasy. The voice acting is pretty good, dare I say better than Final Fantasy X. But they really gotta pick better people. I mean Lance Bass as Sephiroth?!! HAHAHA that's the funniest thing I've ever seen or heard. But besides those complaints, the music and sound is pretty good. Note to everyone that haven't got "Simple and Clean" yet, GET IT!

The controls I think was the biggest flaw. I mean trying to access your items with the d pad while trying to dodge enemies is damn hard. If you want full control over what you're doing, be sure to grow a few extra fingers. Maybe in Kingdom Hearts 2 (whenever it is), they could fixed that and I'm sure it would make many KH gamers out there very, very happy. And if Sora is going to be in the sequel, please change the way he jumps, because you don't know how much it irritates me watching a little boy jump around like a frog. The overall gameplay is pretty good. It wouldn't hurt playing this game more than once because there is so much to do in here.

Now here's what I wanna talk more about. The fact that its a Squaresoft and Disney game but the ratio between Sqauresoft characters to Disney characters is about 11:100 something (that's including those dalmatians! haha yeah I know that was dumb). Come on, I really don't get it. Squaresoft basically made this game but somehow, it's overcrowded with Disney characters. I'm not saying it's a bad thing but it's just a bit too much. It really makes me sick sometimes. I mean it's not like there's not gonna be a sequel so why couldn't they have just spread it thoroughly between the two games. Phew. Now that finally that's out of my system.

Anyways Kingdom Hearts is actually a great game, for young or old. Besides that major complaint in the above paragraph, I really love Kingdom Hearts. It's fun to play with nothing too complicated to understand. It's one of those light-hearted and entertaining games that all PS2 owners should have.

ESRB Rating

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