RPGamers Network > Reviews > Game Reviews > Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura

Game Stats
Genre RPG
Platform PC
Format CD-ROM
# of Players 1
Released Jap N/A
Released US 08.22.2001
Released EU 08.24.2001
Aprox. Length 15-60 hrs.
Reviewer Rankings
Battle System 7.0
Gameplay 9.0
Music 10.0
Originality 9.0
Plot 8.0
Replay Value 11.0
Sound 9.0
Visuals 8.0
Difficulty Varies

Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura

By: Sierra Studios

Reviewed By: Phat_Matt

Hello, My name is Matthew and I am a Arcaddict.

Have you been searching...searching for a game that would finally fill the void that was left in your soul after you defeated Fallout 1 and 2? Well welcome to church, where your soul will be saved. You have found the church of Arcanum. Arcanum, despite a few small bugs provides some of the most engrossing gameplay the PC has ever seen.

Let me set the scene for ya'. You start off by creating your character, in a very cool creation process might I add, and then having that character drop form the sky in a zeppelin of all things. You come out unscathed with a mysterious ring given to you by a now ex-passenger. You start you long arduous quest by looking for the original owner of the ring whose initials are inscribed on it.

Through your adventure you are set into a world not unlike our own with the addition of "Magick". In this world there is Magick and Tech. As you gain levels and pump your skill points into certain skills, you become more technical or more magickal.

There is an expansive amount of armor, weapons, hats/helmets, rings, boots, and gloves. Then on top of that there are tons of little items. Tech users can even make there own items...or familiars!

The only thing i can say about this game that might carry some negative connotation is that the battle system is nothing special. You can go real time or Turn-Based. Then its just Hack n' Slash form there. Its great, it's effective, but nothing ground shattering.

If I were you, I would drop the cheetos, drop the mountain dew, open your door, brave the killer sunlight, and drive to the mall for this game. You will not be sorry. Possibly the greatest game to grace my computer monitor.

ESRB Rating

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