RPGamers Network > Reviews > Game Reviews > Grand Theft Auto III

Game Stats
Genre Action
Platform PlayStation 2
Format DVD
# of Players 1
Released Jap 09.25.2003
Released US 11.23.2001
Released EU 11.26.2001
Aprox. Length 20-40 hrs.
Reviewer Rankings
Battle System 7.0
Gameplay 9.0
Music 9.0
Originality 9.0
Plot 9.0
Replay Value 9.0
Sound 9.0
Visuals 8.0
Difficulty Varies

Grand Theft Auto III

By: Rockstar

Reviewed By: Tidus

A bloody good time...

Grand Theft Auto III (GTA3) is an innovative game that has not only concerned moms across the world but the national government as well. With it's Pulp Fiction style, GTA3 is truly a wonderful game that lets the player explore, cause chaos, and virtually become a mad crime lord.

GTA3 is one of those games with a vague story line but is still able to keep those hands wrapped around the controller. Basically, you take control of a young man who was back stabbed by his own girlfriend and almost left for dead. Now that your back on the streets you decide to get revenge on the world that screwed you over.

Visually, GTA3 is quite impressive. Character models are all rendered nicely and the entire city is rendered in 3D as well. GTA3 is visually similar to Jak & Daxter because GTA3 has the entire city loaded into the PS2's RAM so there are no loading times while traveling to and from certain sections of the city. Just like Jak & Daxter's world where there are no loading times as well.

The battle system in GTA3 is nothing special. The attack button is circle and to shift through weapons all the player needs to do is tap R2. But if the player decides to shoot a gun, he/she/it needs to hold down R1 and the tap circle. It's nothing groundbreaking, but it works.

GTA3 has a very impressive soundtrack. Even though the only time you can hear music is when the player is driving around in a vehicle. While in a vehicle the player can listen to different kinds of radio stations which all vary in style. to change radio stations the player can simply tap L1. There is also the option to turn off the radio for those of you who like to raise hell in silence.

Sound effects are another bright spot in GTA3. Ever different vehicle has it's own distinct sound which only makes things more diverse. Also different types of guns also have their own sound as well.

In all, GTA3 is a very rare gem that redefines what a game can be. With it's addictive gameplay and excellent replay value, GTA3 is definitely a game for mature audiences, but if not taken seriously this is one of the best games of 2001.

ESRB Rating

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