RPGamers Network > Reviews > Game Reviews > Valkyrie Profile

Game Stats
Genre RPG
Platform PlayStation
Format CD-ROM
# of Players 1
Released Jap 12.22.1999
Released US 08.29.2000
Released EU N/A
Aprox. Length 40-50 hrs.
Reviewer Rankings
Battle System 8.0
Gameplay 8.0
Music 7.0
Originality 9.0
Plot 8.0
Replay Value 8.0
Sound 7.0
Visuals 8.0
Difficulty Medium

Valkyrie Profile

By: Enix/Tri-Ace

Reviewed By: Avenzatha

Ready for a game that steps out of the RPG formula? Valkyrie Profile leaves behind all the usual Asian gods and goddesses and takes you into the world of Norse mythology. In another step out of the norm, the main character is a powerful yet feminine woman! This was a welcome change for anyone who is beginning to tire of the "earnest young men" who generally do battle for us in most games.

Valkyrie, silver haired "Chooser of the Slain", has been assigned by Odin to search Midgard (the earth) for suitable Einherjar (human souls) to recruit, train, and then send back to Asgard (the realm of the gods). There they will fight the sacred battle against Ragnarok to prevent the end of the cosmos. As Valkyrie travels through Midgard she encounters both the living and the dead and slowly gathers clues about her own destiny. The story is compelling though convoluted at times, which is typical of games where you can randomly choose which characters you're going to add to your party, but it all comes together in the end.

You may choose from six different game modes that govern everything from how difficult the game is to it's configuration. There are three distinct endings that can be attained depending on how you play the game and which Einherjar you recruit. The game is played out in 8 "chapters" which have a set number of "periods". You expend a number of periods with each scenario you engage in within a chapter. At the end of each chapter Valkyrie receives a report from Asgard telling her how the battle is going and what she must do next.

The turn-based real-time battle system is interesting and challenging in that it utilizes combos (much like Xenogears) but also relies on timed button pushing (as in Vagrant Story). Depending on how skilled you are at button mashing, you can get multiple characters to attack at once and/or fill up a special attack gauge for a devastating attack sequence.

The artwork is very good, but the overall graphics are standard 2D/3D fare. The voice acting is also good though during battles it can be hard to understand what the characters are shouting and in some cases they're yelling phrases from mythology such as Valkyrie's "Nibelung Valesti!!" I also noticed that some of the voices just didn't seem to match the look of the character. For example, some of the young men had voices like little boys or young women; very high and, well...goofy sounding. That was a little distracting at times.

The music by composer Motoi Sakuraba, is properly dark and moody for the earthbound scenes or grand and sweeping for the Asgard scenes. The battle music is especially good; very lively and motivating.

Overall Valkyrie Profile is a breath of fresh air in the world of RPGs with both a unique mythology and battle system. Sure, you're still gathering experience points, opening chests, and saving the world, but it's interesting to see a woman doing all these things and the Nordic flavor added to everything else. Add to that the multiple endings and the various Einherjar to choose from and there is some decent replay value too. This one is well worth renting at the least and especially if you're looking for something other than Squaresoft games.

ESRB Rating

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