RPGamers Network > Reviews > Game Reviews > Traysia

Game Stats
Genre RPG
Platform Sega Genesis
Format Cartridge
# of Players 1
Released Jap 02.14.1992
Released US 12.01.1992
Released EU N/A
Aprox. Length 25-30 hrs.
Reviewer Rankings
Battle System 10.0
Gameplay 9.0
Music 9.0
Originality 10.0
Plot 11.0
Replay Value 10.0
Sound 9.0
Visuals 4.0
Difficulty Real Hard


By: Renovation

Reviewed By: Lobotomist

Traysia was maybe the most under-rated and unknown RPG of the whole video game industry. I searched through the net for a lot of people knowing the game and yet no one did so I guess this game deserves more attention than that.

First off let me start with the bad points of the game, tho there is very few of them. The graphics are, to say the least, very ugly for its time. The magic animations are well done but that's about it. So if you play games mostly for graphics I don't recommend this.

Second, the difficulty of some puzzles can be very high (like when you're lost in the forest maze) and can take you over 1 hour to figure out a puzzle. Not that it doesn't help the game but sometimes it can get tiring because you can get 2 hard puzzles in a row.

Okay and now for the good points. Let's start off with the story, which is the game's greatest asset. The story is magnificent! I've never seen something has good as this one. Basically, Roy the hero of the game, is a young adventurer who simply wants to discover new kingdoms and leave his sweetheart, Traysia, all alone in their village when he goes away with his uncle. He is later found in the middle of a scheme made up by evil sorcerers trying to break the rules of Magic to harm other humans and take over the world. Roy gets joined by 3 other warriors (4 if you count Floyd) and trade his quest of adventuring for one of heroism.

The second good point is the battle system, which looks like a mix between a conventional RPG and a Strategy RPG. When you fight you are transported in a small battle map, sometimes covered by some obstacles, with both parties on either side of the screen (Heroes at the bottom, bad guys at the top). You can either choose to move a given number of squares, attack in a certain directions (range and direction always vary with the weapon type), use magical spells or run if the enemy is too strong. The good point of moving around is that when you meet a boss and need to heal, you can make your whole party run around the screen and use your wizards to heal the party while the others distract the boss' attention. Magic, like in most RPGs, is the most powerful element and can hit tons of targets (sometimes it may even hit your party if the enemies are too close). Running away is, well, running away and blocking is blocking. Some fights can actually last quite long and you often need to use strategy elements to win.

And last but not least is the musics, the tunes are catchy, goes well with the game and you never grow bored of them. Except for that annoying knock-knock-knock when you enter a private house, every single musics and sounds of the games are extremely good.

So to resume it, Traysia is a RPG that didn't get what it deserved. Renovation did a hell of a job and didn't get what they wanted it to get. Thumbs up to Renovation, you are a RPG company like no others. I highly suggest you to try this game at least once.

ESRB Rating

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