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New images from Runaway: A Twist of Fate for PC and Nintendo DS
Our friends over at Focus Home Interactive have sent us some new images and information about the upcoming release of their latest game, Runaway: A Twist of Fate. This title may sound familiar, as we posted about it last year when the trailer first came out.
We now know that the game will be released a little later then first predicted. The PC version is scheduled to arrive in March 2010, while the Nintendo DS version will be coming a month later in April.
For the first time in the series, this game offers players a funny and inventive help system. Presented in the form of the "players in distress" office managed by Joshua, one of the series' crazy characters, players can call for help finding their way through the various puzzles of the game. Joshua's interventions will point the players in the right direction.
They have also dialed up the graphics thanks to a new game engine, which is said to have largely improved things visually. Offering high resolution backgrounds, more detailed characters, livelier animations and more expression during dialogs, it gives gamers the impression that they are watching a great animated movie. Check out some of the new screens below.