Beyond Good & Evil 2 footage leaked, includes cows?

Yeah, so, Kotaku has uncovered a video that looks like it could be BGE2 footage. So far there has been no confirmation or denial from Ubisoft if this thing is actually real or only a really well done hoax. I'm leaning towards real footage, but not from regular gameplay. The movement seems just a bit too fluid to be actual freeform gameplay, so I'm guessing quick time events, and if that's the case a small part of me just died inside. Obviously the button prompts have been removed from this clip, but this is my guess.

It's clearly being done with an engine that's base is the Assassin's Creed engine, that has since evolved into Prince of Persia and further.

There is a notable lack of 2 legged mammals in the video though, instead of walking pigs, sharks, goats or cows it seems to be all human populated city or something. So, you know, I don't know. There is a cow in there, but it's on 4 legs.

Posted in Gaming by Kilu Member on May 09th 2009 at 7:26am 0 Comments
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